What’s Your Binge?

As the weather gets colder, it’s the perfect time to head indoors and indulge in some binge-worthy entertainment.

For this edition, we’ve asked the staff of the Communications and Creative Services department what they’re watching, reading, and hearing these days.

Mindhunter is a gripping, edge of your seat show about the FBI in the early days of criminal profiling of serial killers in the 1970s and 80s.”

—Nancy Diaz

“I love Armchair Expert, which is the Dax Shepard podcast where he interviews celebrities like Bill Nye, Will Farrell, and, Gwyneth Paltrow about their families, their challenges, and the scope of their careers.”

—Paige DeMaio

“I’m bingeing Succession Season 2—as much as you can binge an HBO show that comes out once a week. I’m equal parts repulsed and intrigued. Just about every character is despicable, yet the story is so compelling and gets better every week. Although I have zero insight into this world, Succession feels so real and so believable.”

—Kristi McKee

Nominate your department or submit your own binge for the next newsletter by emailing media@purchase.edu.