Annual Notification and Distribution Policy - Drug-Free Schools and Campuses
Annual Notification Procedure:
- A campus email will be sent out each fall and spring semester to students by the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs or designee, and annually to faculty/staff by the Chief Human Resources Officer or designee that includes where the biennial review can be found online. These annual notification emails will also include text that states “Standards of Conduct, possible legal sanctions and penalties; statements of the health risks associated with alcohol and other drug abuse, programs and resources available, and campus disciplinary sanctions and recommended standards for violations of the code of conduct.”
- The College policies and resources are available online. Human Resources Policies & Procedures outlines violations related to faculty/staff and the Student Affairs & Enrollment Management Policies and Procedures outlines violations and related sanctions, as well as recommended standards for students.
- The notification will also be contained in the packet of information sent to new hires by Human Resources.
- Human Resources will also post hard copies on bulletin boards for staff that are not email users that states where hard copies of the policy can be procured.
Biennial Review Process:
- Beginning with the summer 2017 and continuing every two years, the biennial review committee will meet and will review the past two years AOD programs for Students and for Faculty/Staff.
- The review committee will consist of representatives from The Office of Community Standards, the Counseling Center, Health Services, University Police, Human Resources, and the Office of Residential and Student Life.
- The committee will meet as many times as necessary to complete the review and make determinations regarding any programmatic changes that they will recommend.
- The committee will be chaired by the Director of Counseling & Behavioral Health Services.
- Committee will complete the biennial review, and submit the meeting minutes, biennial review draft (including recommendations and rationales) to the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs and Chief Human Resources Officer for approval. The College President will issue final approval and sign the report.
- The committee will review AOD program usage statistics, disciplinary statistics as they relate to AOD, information and reports from the first year student required alcohol course (currently AlcoholEdu, but subject to change), the Clery report, the Core Survey, and any other appropriate data.