Working with Community Treatment Providers

The college will collaborate with community physical health, mental health, and substance treatment providers to determine the appropriate level of campus support for students.  However, due to the sensitive nature of the issues likely to be raised by such providers, and the state and federal privacy laws which protect such information, only appropriate staff from the following offices may interact with community treatment providers:

  • Counseling & Behavioral Health Services (mental health & substance use/abuse) (914) 251-6390
  • Health Services (914) 251-6380
  • Disability Resources (914) 251-6035

Any other college employee receiving phone calls, emails, information or information requests, forms, letters, etc. must forward such communication to the appropriate office listed above without engaging in discussion with the treatment provider

As a reminder, health-related information should not be forwarded using email, as it is not a secure method of communication.