Posting Material on Campus
Purchase College is resolute in its position that free inquiry and dialogue are the important foundation for higher education.
The college policy on print materials on campus is intended to uphold these values. The policy also reflects the college’s right to place reasonable restrictions on the time, place, and manner of speech on campus. The limited restrictions were designed to reduce clutter on the boards, to assist sponsors in more effectively promoting their events, and to make event information more readily accessible to the campus community at large.
This policy sets forth procedures for the orderly posting and distribution of print materials (e.g. posters, notices, flyers, announcements). Individuals, organizations, and groups may display signs, posters, or other displays in designated areas provided that they adhere to the posting policy. Posted material shall not promote or condone behavior that violates college policies or local, state, or federal law. The form and content of the publicity will not be restricted unless it is libelous, obscene, [and/or] incites riot or other unlawful action.
Questions about this policy or questions regarding of the oversight of this policy should be directed to
College Community Members
Individuals that are directly affiliated with the college such as students, faculty, staff, and administrators as well as groups, including registered student organizations, campus governance units, academic departments, campus departments/offices, and college committees.
Unaffiliated Individuals and Organizations
All other individuals or organizations that do maintain a current affiliation with the College. This group may only post on Public Boards (as defined below).
Types of College Bulletin Boards
Public Boards
Open to College Community Members and Unaffiliated Individuals and Organizations. There are three public boards in total, one in each of the following locations:
- Campus Center South, plaza level vestibule
- College Library
- Humanities Building
Purchase Community Boards
Open only to College Community Members. They may not be used by Unaffiliated Individuals and Organizations.
Department Boards
Managed by the designated departments or office to whom the boards belong. Only the designated department or office may post on their board(s). Department Boards are located throughout the campus and are specifically labeled as such.
On-Campus Housing Boards
Managed by that residence area’s currently designated staff Resident Coordinator. Only College Community Members may request approval to have their material posted to these boards. There are numerous boards located throughout Central, Campus Center North, Crossroads, Farside, Fort Awesome, Outback, Wayback, the Olde, the Commons, and Alumni Village.
Permitted Posting
Postings are only permitted on designated bulletin boards, in accordance with all of the following posting rules:
- Sponsorship on the publicity materials must be explicit. For example, “Sponsored by (name of department, committee, organization, or individual).”
- Efforts should be made to have materials posted no less than 5 days prior to any event in order for persons with disabilities to seek reasonable accommodations in order to participate. Organizers should expect contact from person(s) seeking such accommodations and can obtain assistance in arranging for them from the College’s Office of Disability Resources, 3rd floor Student Services Building.
- Anonymous postings are only permitted on Public Boards.
- Access to posting space on bulletin boards is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Newer postings should not cover other current postings.
- Posted materials shall be made of paper or similar medium as appropriate for posting on a bulletin board. The preferred size is 8.5” by 11” or smaller. Posted materials shall not exceed 17” by 22.”
- No more than one copy of any given posted material shall be affixed to any college bulletin board.
- All posting materials will be removed and discarded from Public Boards by college personnel each Monday.
- All posting materials on the Community Board will be removed and discarded by college personnel the Monday immediately following the event date for postings.
- Posted material shall not include references to the sale or consumption of alcohol or other illegal drugs.
- Materials that illegally infringe on the copyrighted or trademarked works of others that do not fall within the definition of “fair use” are prohibited.
- No materials shall be affixed on any other surface, including but not limited to buildings, doors, windows, bathroom structures, interior walls, elevators, classroom chalkboards, trash receptacles, or building signs. The exception to this are private office doors of faculty, staff, and administrators, which shall be controlled by the individual to whom the office door is assigned.
- Digital signage is controlled and monitored by the department that manages the equipment.
- Faculty or staff members who would like to have an exemption from this policy for student or college projects must contact the following areas for clearance:
- University Police
- Office of Diversity and Compliance
- Vice President of Student Affairs
- Office of Residential and Student Life
- Clearance is required for the appropriate offices to evaluate safety aspects, potential damage to college property, conflicts with other events and general awareness the project.
Banners are prohibited.
- The hand-to-hand distribution of materials is restricted to College Community Members and only permitted when such activity does not disrupt or interfere with the educational, administrative, or operational activities of the college, the maintenance of campus property, or the free flow of traffic and persons. Reasonable efforts shall be made by the College Community Members to prevent and pick up litter as a result of the distribution.
- Persons or organization not affiliated with Purchase College must receive permission through the Director of Conference Management, 3rd Floor Student Services Building.
- As with posted materials, handbills or leaflets distributed by College Community Members must clearly state the name of the organization or individual responsible for the publicity and/or event.
- The door-to-door distribution of materials in the resident halls and apartment communities is not permitted. The only exception to this is the distribution of Purchase Student Government Association (PSGA) election materials by campaigning students.
Residence Halls & Apartment Communities
- College Community Members who wish to post in residential areas may submit materials for review and distribution with the Office of Residential and Student Life located on the second floor or Campus Center North. Flyers will be distributed to building staff and posted 48-72 hours after being dropped off and approved—if necessary. If posters are dropped off on a Friday, please allow for an extra 24 hours for posting time.
- Provide no more than 6 copies for each residence hall: Central/Campus Center North, Crossroads, Farside, Fort Awesome, Outback and Wayback.
- Provide no more than 2 for each apartment community: the Olde, the Commons, Alumni Village.
- Painting on windows or walls is prohibited. Students will be charged for damages associated with paint removal and will be forwarded to Office of Community Standards.
- No more than 25% of a window in a residential area can be covered by any type of posting.
Purchase Student Government Association (PSGA) Promotional Policy
The Purchase Student Government Association requires clubs, organizations, services, general programming, major events, and all other PSGA funded operations to submit posters and campus-wide marketing materials for approval before distribution and posting to the campus. All entities will receive training on the steps for approval during retreats and/or via email correspondence from the PSGA Executive Board.
Full policy, submittal forms, and governing documents can be found on Pantherlink.
Outdoor Posting & Chalking
Outdoor posting and chalking, including any materials on any type of surface, are strictly prohibited. The installation of an academic project on the plaza or any other exterior areas must have approval from the faculty member of the course and from the Office of Facilities Management.
- Postings found to violate this policy will be taken down and discarded immediately without notification.
- Repeated violations may result in a loss of posting privileges.
- Anyone posting materials in violation of this policy may be subject to disciplinary, legal action, and/or PNG status with the college, as appropriate.