Our Hours Today:
8:00am -11:00pm

Food and Drink

Food and drink are not allowed in the Library, except in the 2012 Lounge. We ask all library users to help maintain a clean and healthy environment by disposing of all waste and recyclables in the proper containers.


Water may be consumed in the Library if contained within:

  • Spill-proof travel mugs
  • Sport-style water bottles
  • Plastic bottles with caps

Report All Spills

No fault policy – If you spill something, please report it to a service desk (Circulation or Reference) so we can help you clean it up and provide paper towels, etc. We will not blame you, and in fact, will thank you for telling us about it!

Guidelines & Principles

Please follow these simple principles borrowed from the Leave No Trace Outdoor Principles:

Dispose of Waste Properly

  • Make sure to place recyclable water bottles in recycling bins and non-recyclable garbage in trash cans designated for those purposes.

Leave Everything as You Found It

  • Leave library/technology resources, furnishings, and equipment as you found them–or in better condition than you found them.
  • If you spill something, please report it to a service desk.
  • Be Considerate of others including our hard-working custodial staff.

Library personnel reserve the right to ask individuals to relocate or remove food or drink from prohibited areas.