Eh-den Perlove
Lecturer, Arts Management
Eh-den Perlove (she, her) is a Ph.D. candidate in Arts and Cultural Management at the University of Manchester. Her research examines theater’s role in generating sociopolitical change in the contemporary United States, particularly exploring how to restructure the infrastructure of the theater industry, from rehearsal room to boardroom, to support the work of marginalized theater-makers.
More About Me
Eh-den Perlove (she | her) has focused her career on organizations that support the works of oppressed groups. With over ten years of arts management experience, she has worked in organizations such as the Apollo Theater, New York Public Radio, The Public Theater, and more.
She has served as a panelist and advisor for various granting organizations, including the New York State Council on the Arts, A.R.T./NY, the Association of Theater in Higher Education, and more. Additionally, she serves as an inaugural member of the Cultural Development Fund Panel Advisory Committee for the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, a group convened to support its efforts to make NYC’s cultural funding process more equitable. She is a Ph.D. candidate in Arts and Cultural Management at the University of Manchester, has an M.A. in Business Design and Arts Leadership from Savannah College of Art and Design, and a B.A. in Drama from Pace University.
Presentations / Conferences
May 2025
Twentieth International Conference on the Arts in Society
Panelist, Creative Problem Solving: Breaking Down Barriers for Marginalized
Theater Makers
Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA
May 2024
Nineteenth International Conference on the Arts in Society
Emerging Scholar Award
Panelist, Discussing the Theater Pipeline Problem: Barriers to Entry to Marginalized Theater-Makers and Possible Solutions,
Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea
January 2024
Modern Language Association
Panelist, Theatre In/Of Joy and Sorrow: Performance & Embodiment of
Marginalized Communities in the Americas
Philadelphia, PA
August 2023
Association of Theater in Higher Education
Panelist, Women & Theatre Program Emerging Scholars Panel
Analyzing and Breaking Theater’s Glass Ceiling:
Barriers to Access for Marginalized Gender Theater-Makers
Austen, TX
June 2023
Twenty-third International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations
Panelist, Creative Problem Solving: Waiting in the Wings, June 2023
Breaking Down Barriers for Marginalized Theater-Makers,
Toronto Metropolitan University
May 2023
Philadelphia Theater Research Symposium, Villanova University
Panelist, Learning from the Present, Shaping the Future:
Access, Inclusion, and Care, Villanova University
Producer and Lecturer March 2023 to April 2023, New York, New York
Everything They Didn’t Teach You in Theater School
Curated and produced weekend-long conference focusing on the logistics and business aspects of the theatrical industry. Courses included Playwrighting (Lauren Gunderson, Playwright); Grants 101 and Grants 102 (Eh-den Perlove, SheNYC Arts); Self-Producing Your Show (Danielle DeMatteo, SheNYC); Getting Started in Film (Erika Miranda and Caitlin Hargraves, Café Cito Productions); The Basics of Intimacy (Emily Rellis, Intimacy Coordinator)
Producer and Lecturer April 2022, New York, NY
Everything They Didn’t Teach You in Theater School
Curated and produced weekend-long conference focusing on the logistics and business aspects of the theatrical industry. Courses included Keynote: Discussing Arts Activism (Ari Afsar, Arts Activist); Entertainment Law for Creatives (Scott Wilcox, Loeb & Loeb); Diversity & Inclusion and What Your Legal Rights Are (Kristy Thomas, Thomas DEI; John Crain, Wigdor LLP); Getting Started with Grants (Eh-den Perlove, SheNYC Arts) ; Disability Inclusivity in Theater (Angela Johnson, Invest in Access); Producing 101 (Rachel Sussman, Business of Broadway); Starting an Arts Business (Molly Barnett, Grapevine PR; Olivia Jones, Black Theatre Coalition; Camille Schenkkan, Center Theatre Group).
Presenter and Moderator, Immigration April 2018
NYU School of Social Work
Moderated panel discussion about immigration in the United States with Sarah Mehta (TrialWatch Legal Fellow, Columbia Law School Human Rights Institute & Clooney Foundation for Justice), Maria de Los Angeles (DREAMer and Art Activist), and Elizabeth Vilchis (CEO, LatinoTech).
Panelist, Savannah College of Art and Design Graduate Salon February 2018
Savannah College of Art and Design Graduate Program Savannah, GA
Selected as one of three graduate students to present a selection from my master’s thesis, An Analysis of Trends in Arts Activism in the Commercial Market
Panelist and Moderator, Social Work, Activism, and Advocacy December 2017
Columbia University School of Social Work New York, NY
Moderated and presented a panel about activism and engaging in social change with Monique Jethwani (Associate Dean, CSSW), nichHi Douglas, (Art Activist & Adjunct Professor, Playwrights Horizons Theater School); Nicole Powell (Executive Director, NYIndivisible); Esha Bhandari (Attorney, ACLU); Elizabeth Falcone (Director, Youth Programs, NYC Mayor’s Office to Combat Domestic Violence); Lily Nussbaum (Co-founder, The America 101 Project).