Ronnie Halperin

Associate Professor Emerita of Psychology

After teaching in the psychology program at Purchase College for 27 years, Ronnie Halperin served as chair of the School of Natural and Social Sciences in 2010 until her retirement in 2012. From 2005 to 2008, she led the faculty and all-campus governance through structural changes and several significant administrative initiatives as presiding officer of the faculty and co-chair, with the college president, of the College Senate.

Her numerous achievements during her tenure include:

  • leading an institutional initiative to redesign the core curriculum
  • formalizing the Liberal Arts Academic Council and forming a Visual and Performing Arts Academic Council through which faculty, working with deans, make policies about programmatic and curricular matters
  • reorganizing the psychology program’s major requirements, creating a developmental approach to basic skills, and improving academic advising
  • co-chairing a Middle States self-study
  • leading an effort to develop and codify standards, criteria, and new procedures for faculty review
  • leading a committee to develop a rationale for distribution of discretionary salary enhancement monies for faculty
  • increasing faculty participation in campus governance
  • serving as the liaison with a consulting firm on the president‘s initiative to administer an employee satisfaction survey
  • working with the student government to establish and incorporate two committees (Diversity, Environmental Sustainability) into campus governance
  • serving as a program evaluator for the Baccalaureate and Beyond Programs at Purchase College (2003–2008), and playing a major role in building these linked programs into a sustainable transfer center for the college

Ronnie Halperin earned her BS (with honors) in psychology at the City College of New York in 1971 and her PhD in psychology (experimental cognition) at the City University of New York in1978. She is a licensed psychologist in New York State and a member of the New York Academy of Sciences and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

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