David Wilson
Assistant Professor of Graphic Design
David N Wilson is a transdisciplinary designer, educator, and researcher. His practice focuses on emergent digital technologies that create, maintain, and change culture in public, virtual, and hybrid spaces. David has helped to establish design research labs at Purchase College, The University of Texas at Dallas, and The New School that investigate an emergent digital communications form called Public Interactives. He has previously served as a research fellow at UT Dallas and The New School. While at The New School he also served in the University TransDisciplinary Laboratory hosted by Parsons School of Design, conducting technocultural research in collaboration with Microsoft New York. Prior to higher education David worked in the Television, Music, and Video Game industries.
More About Me
Research Interests
- TechnoCulture
- Public Interactives
- Interaction Design
- Active Learning Pedagogy
- Design and Systems Thinking
- Human Computer Interaction
- Visual Communications Design
- Art + Technology + Emerging Communication
- Artificial Intelligence & Human Creative Processes
- “The Lone Star Digital Memorial: a case study in pervasive displays”, Association for Computing Machinery 6th International Symposium on Pervasive Displays
- “The Online Gallery of Public Interactives: Digital Archiving as Doing and Presenting Research”, xCoAx Computation, Communication, Aesthetics, and X
Exhibitions / Performances
- “Public Chromesthesia”, Richard and Dolly Maass Gallery
- “Meanwhile…in the real world”, New Art City: Virtual Art Space
- “82 Reflections.org”, ATEC Social Justice Art and Film Festival
- “Capitalism, Art, and Police Brutality”, ATEC Social Justice Art and Film Festival
- “Listening to Apollo 11 for Celestial Celebration: Music, Art, and Technology “, Charles W. Eisemann Center for the Performing Arts
- “¿Qué es la Fotomaratón? ¿What is Marathon Photo?”, promotional video theme for FOTOMARATÓN 2020 Bogotá Territorio de Todos, FOTOMUSEO The National Museum of Photography in Colombia
- “Dada Speaks”, Dallas Museum of Art
- “The Lone Star Digital Memorial”, HIV/AIDS Awareness Week at UT Dallas
- “AIDS Quilt Touch”, SIGGRAPH
- “Let’s SEE the Trash”, Ideas City @New Museum