Ling Zhang

Associate Professor of Cinema Studies

Ling Zhang received her PhD from the Department of Cinema and Media Studies at the University of Chicago. She specializes in film sound theory, Chinese-language cinema and opera, cinema and travel/mobility, ruins in cinema, and film and urbanism. Zhang first joined the cinema studies faculty in 2016–17 as a visiting assistant professor.

Formerly a documentary filmmaker, Zhang is also an established Chinese film critic with a published collection of reviews and essays in Chinese (2011). She has published academic articles on 1930s Chinese cinema and film theory, contemporary Chinese independent documentary, Taiwan New Cinema, socialist road movies, and Chinese opera films in Journal of Chinese Cinemas, CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, The New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, Asian Cinema, Film Art (mainland China), and Film Appreciation (Taiwan), among others.

She is currently translating Chinese film theory into English for the forthcoming anthology Chinese Film Theory and Criticism (Jason McGrath, ed.).