Mtume Gant

Assistant Professor of Film

Mtume Gant is a New York City born Filmmaker whose films include the Hip Hop sonata SPIT which screened at Aspen Shortfest, Woodstock and Cucalorus, the politically charged WHITE FACE which won awards at half a dozen film festivals and most recently MOLD OF MALACHI a scathing indictment of the racial politics of the entertainment industry.

Mtume is currently awaiting the release of his feature length film THE HAND THAT FEEDS and is already in development for his next film which deals with the Black Power Movement of the 60’s and 70’s.

Mtume is an alumnus of the BFA Acting program at Purchase and went on to have a productive acting career upon graduating becoming a featured cast member on TV shows like HBO’s Oz and films like Carlito’s Way’s: Rise to Power. Mtume also had a decade long career as a touring musician in the world of Hip hop and Jazz Fusion. He has performed on stages in 5 continents. Post his work in the Hollywood and the music industry Mtume has dedicated himself to developing art that is in opposition to culture industry product demands.

As an educator Mtume worked for a decade as a teaching artist in New York City before becoming full time faculty at Purchase in 2019. He was elevated to Assistant Professor of Film in 2020.