Purchase Receives Second Invasive Species Grant

Professor George Kraemer and student Maura Vander Putten will study invasive species along hiking trails in the Catskills next summer.

Two members of the Environmental Studies department, Professor George Kraemer and junior Maura Vander Putten (Environmental Studies, Biology minor), were awarded funding to map the presence and abundance of invasive plants along Catskills hiking trails.

The grant provides a generous summer salary for an undergraduate research assistant.

The experience allows students to “generate scientific insights that inform natural resource management while gaining scientific training in an experiential learning environment.”

Funding comes from the Catskill Science Collaborative, toward the goal of promoting scientific research and environmental monitoring relevant to natural resource management in the Catskill Region. 

According to the Collaborative, “Nine million people obtain their drinking water from the NYC water supply system and depend on healthy forests and streams in the Catskill watersheds to maintain the quantity and purity of their water.”

Read about the Invasive Species Grant recently awarded by the DEC.