Natalie Black ’17 on the rise!

Congratulations to Natalie Black (class of 2017) on all success!

Natalie Black ’17 graduated as an EOP student. She majored in Arts Management and minored in Theatre & Performance. Read more about Natalie’s accomplishments below.

“I was accepted into the New York City Teaching Fellows program in March 2021 and took online classes every season while working full-time. I am now teaching and plan to use my Master of Science to change and improve the world of education more positively.

“I do aspire to make the change outside of the classroom and on a grand scale that will universally benefit the field. I do plan to return to my original passion for music.

“EOP taught me the importance of remaining organized and diligent with my studies. During my graduate studies, I was on top of all of my registration and requirements in order to have a smooth graduation, turn out, and maintain all As. I also learned to utilize all of my resources from my college advisers and department heads.”

—Natalie Black ’17