From the Alumni President

Stephanie Blum '13, President, Purchase College Alumni Association
Purchase is incredibly important to me.

As an undergrad, I found a warm community that welcomed me and my classmates. We were encouraged to learn, grow, and Think Wide Open. As a graduate, I have stayed connected to my alma mater. The Alumni Association opened the door to meaningful relationships that enable me to give back to the college I love while having fun reliving shared memories with friends and former classmates.

Alumni Weekend epitomized the spirit of Purchase, with hundreds of alumni coming together this fall alongside Family Day participants.

We were elated to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first cohort arriving on campus and to join graduates from the Classes of 2020 and 2021 as they walked across the stage and turned their tassels! During the Night of Reunions, we presented “Golden Brick” Honorary Alumni awards to Professor Lee Schlesinger and posthumously to counselor Donna Siegmann.

The inaugural Young Alumni Award went to Bryan Korn ’12 (Dramatic Writing), and the first #ProofofPurchase Award for Alumni Achievement was presented to the talented Jodi Long ’76 (Acting).

On Saturday, we reunited on the Great Lawn for a festive picnic. Some of us ventured to the STOOD and walked around to see the many ways our campus has changed since we graduated.

During the PCAA Annual Meeting on Saturday afternoon, 12 new members were elected to the board. We have diverse representation from every decade and nearly every school and conservatory. Congratulations to the new members, officers, and committee chairs who were elected. The year ahead will be exciting!

Alumni: You Can Get Involved!

Volunteer to serve on a committee or an affinity group. Become a mentor. Make a financial gift to the Purchase Fund to support our students, faculty, and campus projects.

Visit to learn how you can be a part of keeping our Purchase community strong for years to come.

I look forward to sharing more events and memories with you. You all are #ProofofPurchase!

All the best,

Stephanie Blum ’13

Purchase College Alumni Association

Alumni in Action