Proud To Be Me: Adon Cooper ’09

Cooper contributed to LinkedIn’s LGBTQ+ pride in the workforce campaign.


Adon Cooper ’09 (liberal studies) is a post-secondary coordinator for the New York City Department of Education in the P2G, Paths to Graduation program, and also a social media brand and viral content creator.

Cooper was tapped by Linkedin for their Pride campaign to discuss how he brings his experiences to the workplace and how companies can create safe environments for people of the LGBTQIA+ experience.

At seven years old, Cooper earned a dance scholarship and danced professionally until his mid-twenties, and then transitioned into film. With several viral web series, Cooper has been a trendsetter on social media for over a decade. Since graduating from Purchase College, he has gained various experiences across several job industries and has traveled to over a dozen countries.

Cooper has credited his experience at Purchase and his love for travel as the vehicles that have allowed him to live as his most authentic self. Cooper will be returning to Purchase this fall to begin the MA Entrepreneurship in the Arts program.