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Elsevier ScienceDirect Negotiations Concluded

SUNY has reached a deal with Elsevier to maintain access to 250 frequently-used journals in ScienceDirect.

A working team of the SUNY Libraries Consortium (SLC) has been in negotiations with Elsevier over the terms of renewal for ScienceDirect, a platform of high-quality and extremely costly materials critical for teaching, learning and research. 

Following a year plus of negotiation, the team has reached an agreement with Elsevier. Rather than cancelling access to all ScienceDirect titles outright, the negotiating team has worked with Elsevier and SUNY librarians state-wide to develop a core list of approximately 250 titles selected on the basis of high usage and citation within SUNY overall. This approach will save the SUNY system 7 million dollars annually. 

Beginning April 1st, 2020, the Purchase community will have seamless access to these ScienceDirect titles through the library search systems (i.e. via the ScienceDirect database and the Library Discovery Search).

Purchase College Library will also be conducting its own internal review to identify journal titles frequently used and needed by Purchase faculty and students that were not included within the core list. We will either subscribe to these titles individually, or find alternative means of access, such as via Interlibrary Loan. 

Please reach out to your library subject liaison librarian if you have questions or issues regarding access to ScienceDirect materials.