Purchase Brass Ensemble to perform at 9/11 Memorial Ceremony

On Monday, September 11, the Purchase Brass Ensemble will perform at the 9/11 Memorial Ceremony at the Kensico Dam.

On Monday, September 11 at 7:00pm, the Purchase Brass Ensemble will perform at the 9/11 Memorial Ceremony; the ceremony will take place at The Rising at the Kensico Dam.

Under the direction of Jack Schatz, the ensemble will perform Copland’s “Fanfare for the Common Man.” They will also perform “The Star Spangled Banner” and “Amazing Grace” with vocalist Soraya Karkari. Trumpet player Ken Kamping will perform “Taps” as we honor Westchester fire fighters who gave their life on September 11.

The event is put on by County Executive Rob Astorino’s office and will be broadcast on the local news.