Thank you for your interest in hiring musicians from the Conservatory of Music at Purchase College. To help us find the best musicians for your event, please fill out the form below.

One of our staff members will be in touch shortly to put you in touch with available students.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

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required text field
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required date field
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Please include start and end times as well as any breaks, if applicable
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You must list an exact amount for us to include in the posting. Please note that the minimum stipend per musician is $100. For performances longer than an hour, the minimum rate is $75/hour per musician. If students need to travel more than 30 minutes from campus, an additional negotiable travel is suggested.
required radio button field
Students will be paid:*
required radio button field
Is there a piano available at your venue?*
text field
Style of music, instrumentation, etc.
text field