Electronic Access Control Management Policy
All buildings on campus have a named “Building Manager.” In a few cases (VA, MU) there are distinct responsibilities incorporated into the individual’s Performance Program. However, the role of Building Manager is only loosely defined in most cases, and is simply assigned to an Administrative Assistant. The primary responsibility for a Building Manager is to coordinate Facilities Management Group (FMG) Work Orders for their building; and (often) to act as approver for Room Scheduling requests filed through the RoomBook system.
Many buildings on campus contain multiple distinct sectors. For example the Social Science Building contains: The LAS Dean’s offices, the Design Technology program, and Campus Technology Services (CTS). The Humanities building contains the Humanities Office, the Theatre Arts program Humanities Theater, and the VP for Advancement Office. Each sector within a building is typically responsible for some areas within the building, and for controlling access to those areas for employees, students, and guests.
In buildings and locations where the College’s centralized Electronic Access Control (EAC) P-Secure system has been implemented, the University Police Department (UPD) will grant the each Sector Officer within the building the authority and responsibility to grant access to doors covered with EAC Card-swipes to employees, students, and guests. Sector Officers will grant and remove cardholder access to specific doors within their purview using the P-Secure software.
Sector Officers will be assigned one or more room groups containing the rooms they are responsible for within the P-Secure system, and they may add individuals and access schedules for those individuals. Adding a person to a door entails calling up the person’s name and adding an access schedule (days, times). All college employees and students are regularly pre-loaded into the system. All persons appearing in the P-Secure system must be documented employees (PAF or P-Dash) or students (Banner) with a valid More Card. (individuals may not be created in the P-Secure system.)
Sector Officers should exercise care in granting access, being careful to grant access as needed, and being equally careful to remove access when it is no longer needed. For example, new adjuncts and new student employees may be hired at the start of each semester, while other adjuncts and student employees may drop off at the end of the semester.
Sector Officers may delegate responsibility to managing their unit’s access control to one or more individuals reporting to them. Access control delegates may or may not include the Building Manager.
UPD, FMG, and other campus personnel will also have access to all EAC-protected doors as may be necessary for the performance of their responsibilities. Sector Officers or their designees and Building Managers must not do anything to remove or restrict access for other campus personnel.
UPD monitors all access control activity (grants and revocations), and monitors the status of all doors on the system in real time. Sector Officers and building managers, where appropriate are responsible for ensuring that the integrity of the EAC system is maintained. The Chief of Police may revoke management authority in cases where system integrity is not maintained.