Concentrations allow students to focus their coursework in any of several areas of study. They are available to students pursuing either a BA or a BS in biology, but are not required for either degree.
Courses required for the concentration are completed in the course of, or in addition to, satisfying the requirements for the BA or BS in biology. Concentrations require a senior project in the general subject area of the concentration, as well as specific coursework.
- BIO 3530/Cell Biology
- BIO 4620/Molecular Biology
- Three courses from the following list:
BIO 3170/Developmental Biology
BIO 3250/Animal Physiology
BIO 3360/Microbiology
BIO 3670/Cellular and Molecular Techniques
BIO 4300/Genomics
BIO 4560/Immunology
BIO 4650/Transmission Electron Microscopy and Cell Ultrastructure
CHE 4610/Biochemistry - Senior project in the general subject area of cellular and molecular biology
- BIO 3160/Genetics
- BIO 4720/Evolution
- ENV 3820/Animal Behavior
- Two courses from the following list:
BIO 3250/Animal Physiology
BIO 3360/Microbiology
BIO 3430/Vertebrate Zoology
BIO 3440/Invertebrate Zoology
BIO 4300/Genomics
BIO 4760/Behavior Genetics
ENV 3120/General Ecology
PSY 3660/Physiological Psychology - Senior project in the general subject area of evolutionary and behavioral biology
- BIO 3200/Biotechnology I
- BIO 3205/Biotechnology II
- BIO 3360/Microbiology
- BIO 3530/Cell Biology
- One of the following statistics courses:
ENV 3025/Biostatistics or
MAT 1600/Introductory Statistics or
PSY 2320/Behavioral Statistics or
PSY 3635/Honors Seminar in Statistics and Research Design - One of the following courses:
BIO 4300/Genomics
BIO 4620/Molecular Biology - One of the following courses:
BIO 4650/Transmission Electron Microscopy and Cell Ultrastructure
BIO 4770/Scanning Electron Microscopy and Digital Imaging - CHE 4610/Biochemistry
- BIO 3892/ Biotechnology Seminar
In fulfilling major requirements, this seminar is taken instead of BIO 3890/Junior Seminar - Senior project involving sophisticated laboratory skills and techniques
- One of the following courses:
BIO 3360/Microbiology
BIO 3430/Vertebrate Zoology
BIO 3440/Invertebrate Zoology - ENV 3120/General Ecology
- ENV 4460/Marine Ecology
- One field course at a marine laboratory (e.g., BIO 3850/Coral Reef Biology and Ecology, or a course at Shoals Marine Laboratory)
- Senior project in the general subject area of marine biology
- BIO 3160/Genetics
- BIO 4300/Genomics
- BIO 4620/Molecular Biology
- Two courses from the following list:
BIO 3170/Developmental Biology
BIO 4720/Evolution
BIO 4760/Behavior Genetics
CHE 4610/Biochemistry - Senior project in the general subject area of genetics
- BIO 3360/Microbiology
- BIO 3530/Cell Biology
- BIO 4650/Transmission Electron Microscopy and Cell Ultrastructure
- BIO 4770/Scanning Electron Microscopy and Digital Imaging
- BIO 4771/Scanning Electron Microscopy and Digital Imaging Lab
- Senior project involving microscopy and imaging techniques
- CHE 4610/Biochemistry with CHE 4611/Biochemistry Lab
- BIO 4620/Molecular Biology
- Two courses from the following list:
BIO 3360/Microbiology
BIO 3530/Cell Biology
BIO 3670/Cellular and Molecular Techniques
CHE 3150/Chemical Instrumentation and Analytical Methods - Senior project in the general subject area of biochemistry
Closer Look: Biotechnology Concentration
Prepare yourself to join the workforce in the biological sciences.