Streete et al. 2024. Birds show no taste rejection to Spotted Lanternfly

By Ashlee Streete (primary author), Daniela Korbeci, Modesto Fontanez III, Brendon Truex, Dr. Allyson Jackson



Spotted Lanternflies are an invasive species that have spread rapidly throughout the Northeastern part of the United States. Studies have shown that Spotted Lanternflies can accumulate toxins, mainly Ailanthone, from the Tree of Heaven, which contributes to their red coloration and unpalatability. In this study, we fed a Spotted Lanternfly seed mixture with coloration removed to birds and observed their feeding behaviors. Our findings show that they did not avoid Spotted Lanternflies. With the removal of the Tree of Heaven, birds may increasingly become predators of the Spotted Lanternfly over time, making them a potential biocontrol option.

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