Ager Gondra
Lecturer, Spanish
Ager Gondra’s scholarly interests reflect three general areas of investigation related to bilingualism: 1) linguistic variability and change in bilingual settings; 2) second language acquisition and teaching; and 3) attitudes and ideologies of languages in contact. He teaches courses in linguistics, and Second Language Teaching. He collects his research data in the Basque Country, his homeland.
Research Interests
Bilingualism | Language Contact | Language Variation | Language Ideology | Language Teaching and Learning | Syntax
Recent Publications:
Gondra, A. 2024d. Linguistic Variability across Four Generations of Basque Spanish Speakers: From the Regional Preverbal Double Negation Construction to the Standard Variant. Journal of Language Contact, 16(4), pp. 429-455. DOI:
Gondra, A ., & Aguilo-Mora, F. 2024c. How Do We Flip Our Language Classroom? Reassessing the Flipped Method. Journal of Formative Design in Learning. DOI: https://doi.org10.1007/s41686-024-00090-2
Gondra, A., Rodríguez-Ordóñez, I., & Franco-Landa, E. 2024b. Variation in the production of Basque ergativity: Change or stable variation?. Language Variation and Change, 36, pp. 95-120. DOI:
Gondra, A. 2024a. Ideological Effects of Language Revitalisation and Standardisation on Traditional Home Language Speakers: the Case of Basque. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, pp. 1-15. DOI: