Kathleen McCormick

Professor Emerita of Literature and Pedagogy

Kathleen McCormick, professor of literature and pedagogy, teaches writing at all levels and Irish and Italian-American literature. Her academic books include The Culture of Reading and the Teaching of English (Modern Language Association Mina Shaughnessy Award) and Reading Our Histories, Understanding Our Culture, among others. She has co-edited MLA volumes on Teaching Italian American Literature, Film, and Popular Culture and Teaching James Joyce’s Ulysses and written many essays on ways of teaching college students to love reading and writing. She was honored with the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2014.

Her first full-length novel—Dodging Satan: My Irish/Italian, Sometimes Awesome, but Mostly Creepy, Childhood—has won a number of awards. Other short pieces have appeared in various journals such as Witness, South Carolina Review, and Italian Americana, among others.

Representative Courses

James Joyce

Colloquium II (the capstone to the Literature Major)

Teaching Good Prose (for students who are writing peer mentors)

Senior Project Seminar (for all 1st semester Senior Lit Majors)

Intro to Live LIT (works by writers in Durst Writing Series and plays being staged on campus)

Introduction to Italian American Literature, Film, & Pop Culture