Kim Detterbeck
Art Librarian (Associate Librarian)
Coordinator of Instruction
I am the art librarian at the Purchase College Library. I oversee collection development, reference, and library instruction for art history, art + design, new media, entrepreneurship in the arts (online), and arts management. My primary responsibility at Purchase College is to provide research support to the students, faculty and staff in the arts. This means I make sure the Library has the resources they need for their projects and that they know how to find and use these resources.
Detterbeck, Kimberly, Nicole LaMoreaux, and Marie Sciangula. “Style and Substance: The Information Seeking Behavior of Fashion Bloggers.“ In The Meaning of Dress, 4th edition. Kimberly A. Miller-Spillman, Andrew Reilly, and Patricia Hunt-Hurst, editors. Fairchild Books, 2019.
Detterbeck, Kimberly and Megan Oliver. “When Drift becomes Current: Collaborating to Expand Beyond the Visual.” Visual Resources Association Bulletin. 44.2 (Fall 2018).
Detterbeck, Kimberly and Marie Sciangula. “Innovation through Collaboration: Using an Open Source Learning Management System to Enhance Library Instruction and Student Learning.” In Distributed Learning: Pedagogy and Technology in Online Information Literacy Instruction. Tasha Maddison and Maha Kumaran, editors. CHANDOS Publishing, 2016.
Detterbeck, Kimberly, Darcy Gervasio, and Rebecca Oling. “The Slow Assessment Movement: Using Homegrown Rubrics and Capstone Projects for DIY Information Literacy Assessment.” ACRL 2015: Creating Sustaining Community, Portland OR, March 25-28, 2015. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, March 2015, 721-731.
Detterbeck, Kimberly, Nicole LaMoreaux, and Marie Sciangula. “Off the Cuff: How Fashion Bloggers Find and Use Information.” Art Documentation. 33.2 (2014): 1-14
New York Metropolitan Library Council, Social Media Special Interest Group LibGuide (2014).
Detterbeck, Kimberly, Nicole LaMoreaux, Marie Sciangula, and Tom Neilsen (editor). “Takin’ It To The Streets: myMETRO Researchers Bring Library Science Skills and Expertise to NYC Communities.”The Global Librarian. ACRL/NY & METRO.
Detterbeck, Kimberly, Nicole LaMoreaux, and Marie Sciangula. Style and Substance: The Information Seeking Behavior of Fashion Bloggers. New York: Metropolitan New York Library Council, 2012.
Contributor to Arts Guide, Washington D.C. Arts Section, Association of College and Research Libraries, American Library Association, 2010.
Book review of Anachronic Renaissance, by Alexander Nagel and Christopher S. Wood. ARLIS/NA Reviews, August/September 2010.
Presentations / Conferences
“When Drift becomes Current: Collaborating to Expand beyond the Visual.” With Megan Oliver. ARLIS/NA 46th Annual Conference. New York, New York, March 2018.
“Zotero: Citation Management For the Masses.” Workshop and presentation given with Marie Sciangula. Metropolitan New York Library Council. New York, New York. August 2016.
“Innovation through Collaboration: Library and TLTC Partnerships at Purchase College, SUNY.” With Marie Sciangula. Metropolitan New York Library Council Bibliographic Instruction Special Interest Group. New York, New York, April 2016.
“The Slow Assessment Movement: Using Homegrown Rubrics and Capstone Projects for DIY Information Literacy Assessment.” With Darcy Gervasio and Rebecca Oling. Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL 2015). Portland, OR, March 27, 2015.
“Partnering Panthers: Library & TLTC Collaboration at Purchase to Re-envision Processes, Engage Educators, and Enhance Learning.” With Darcy Gervasio, Rebecca Oling, and Marie Sciangula. Conference on Instruction & Technology (CIT 2014). Cornell University, May 30, 2014.
“Postcards from the Edge VII: Arts Management.” Workshop and presentation given with Michael Matos, American University. ARLIS/NA 42nd Annual Conference. Washington, D.C., May 2, 2014.
“New Voices in the Profession.” Detterbeck, Kimberly(moderator), Siân Evans, Jacqueline Mabey, Diana Harter, Michelle Strizever, and Jasmine Burns. ARLIS/NA 42nd Annual Conference . Washington, D.C., 2014.
“From Creation to Preservation: Transforming the Culminating Student Project Through Collaboration.” Presentation given with Darcy Gervasio and Marie Sciangula. METRO’s 2nd Annual Conference. Baruch College Vertical Campus, January 15, 2014.
“The Curious Transformation of the Culminating Student Project Process at Purchase College, SUNY(Poster Session).” With Darcy Gervasio and Marie Sciangula. ACRL/NY 2013 Symposium. Baruch College Vertical Campus, February 6, 2013.
“Putting Assessment in its Place: Creating and Implementing a Campus-Wide Information Literacy Rubric.” Presentation given with Darcy Gervasio and Rebecca Oling. SUNY CIT Conference: Transforming Higher Education. Utica, NY, May, 21-24 2013.
“Embedding Outside Your Comfort Zone: Reference & Instruction for the Non-Art Side of Arts Management.” Presentation given as part of the panel The Evaluation of Art Reference and Instruction: Outreach, Overlay, Online. ARLIS/NA 41st Annual Conference: Crafting Our Future. Pasadena, CA, April 25-29, 2013. (also presented at ARLIS/NY Papers from the 2013 ARLIS/NA Conference. Museum of Modern Art: ARLIS/NY, August 26, 2013)
“Off the Cuff: How Fashion Bloggers Find and Use Information.” Presentation given with Nicole LaMoreaux, Lisa Ryan, Marie Sciangula, and Ari Seth Cohen as part of the panel, Style and Substance: Fashion Blogs from Creation to Archives. ARLIS/NA 41st Annual Conference: Crafting Our Future. Pasadena, CA, April 25-29, 2013. (also presented at ARLIS/NY Papers from the 2013 ARLIS/NA Conference. Museum of Modern Art: ARLIS/NY, August 26, 2013)
“New Voices in the Profession.” Detterbeck, Kimberly(moderator), Yvonne B. Lee, Shannon Marie Robinson, Marsha Taichman, and Amanda Milbourn. ARLIS/NA 41st Annual Conference: Crafting Our Future. Pasadena, CA: Art Libraries Society of North America, 2013.
“Off the Cuff: How Fashion Bloggers Find and Use Information.” Presentation given with Nicole LaMoreaux and Marie Sciangula. Fashion: Now & Then Symposium. New York, NY: LIM College, 2012 and METRO Annual Conference. Baruch College Vertical Campus, Jan. 15, 2013.
“Style and Substance: The Information Seeking Behavior of Fashion Bloggers.” Presentation given with Nicole LaMoreaux and Marie Sciangula. myMETRO Researchers Project Presentations. Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO), 2012.
“SUNYLA Information Literacy Task Force Update.” Panel participant, SUNY Librarians Association Annual Conference, Fashion Institute of Technology, June 8, 2012.
“Who are You Embed With?: How Faculty Can Benefit from Embedding Librarians in their Courses.” Conference on Instruction & Technology (SUNY CIT), Stony Brook University, May, 31, 2012.
“Collaboration Across Disciplines – Second Masters for Librarians.” Panel participant, SUNY Librarians Association Annual Conference, SUNY-Plattsburgh, June 17, 2011.
“Transitioning from the University to the Workplace: Chat for iSchool Master’s of Information Science Students.” University of Maryland, College Park, hosted by Special Libraries Association, Maryland Chapter. April 12, 2010.
“RePlacing the Old in the New: A Case Study on the Field Librarian.” Presentation given with Patricia Kosco Cossard. Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) Annual Conference, Boston. April 24, 2010 and at the Library Research Seminar V, iSchool, University of Maryland, Oct. 7, 2010.
“Quantum Comparitists: Knowledge Bases as an Institutional Methodology for the 21st-Century.” Southeastern College Art Conference, Virginia Commonwealth University, Oct. 20-23, 2010.