Introducing the Brightspace LMS!

We’re packing up and moving from Moodle to Brightspace!

Introducing the Brightspace LMS!

D2L Brightspace is SUNY’s newly chosen learning management system (LMS) and the hub of the SUNY Digital Learning Environment (DLE). Purchase (along with all other SUNY campuses) is mandated by SUNY to use Brightspace as our learning management system. As such, we will be moving from our current Moodle system to our brand new Brightspace environment. We will use Brightspace to support all in-person, hybrid, and fully online courses beginning with the Fall 2023 semester.

A few important notes:

  • Summer 2023 is the last semester that we will be using our Moodle learning management system.

  • Please go to the TLTC’s Brightspace LMS page for details on the Brightspace implementation timeline, directions for logging in to the system, information for getting assistance from the SUNY Online Help Desk, links to faculty and student training resources, and other help materials.

Faculty & Instructors

  • You can access the SUNY DLE Brightspace learning management system at Once logged in, you will see your personal sandbox space, the Brightspace Fundamentals course developed by SUNY Center for Professional Development CPD), and course shells for your Fall 2023 courses.
    For strategies and procedures for getting your Moodle course materials into Brightspace, see the TLTC’s Moving Courses from Moodle to Brightspace page.


Help Resources

Thank you for your time and attention!

- Purchase College Brightspace Migration Project Team