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Campus Cup Success

This past Fall, Green Fee worked with a company called AllMatters (formerly OrganiCup) to obtain free organic menstrual cups for Purchase students and alumni, in efforts to combat campus waste. 254 members at Purchase made the switch to a reusable cups avoiding over 134,000 disposable products on campus.

Did you know that the average person uses 528 disposable period products over the course of 2 years? That’s quite a lot of waste! But…those 528 disposable products can be replaced by 1 organic menstrual cup! Green Fee teamed up with OrganiCup to promote the Campus Cup initiative, in our effort to replace the waste with these reusable cups. This initiative not only made a huge impact (over 134,000 disposable products avoided!) but also provided an accessible way for people who have difficulty keeping up with costs of period products monthly.


Campus Cup Impact: Over 134,000 disposable menstrual products were avoided on Purchase College ca...