Quoted: Chrys Ingraham

Professor and Chair of Sociology quoted in The New York Times.

In a recent article, The Allure of the White Dress, Professor and Chair of Sociology, Chrys Ingraham, was quoted:

“The wedding dress is about our inappropriate social priorities,” said Dr. Chrys Ingraham, a professor and coordinator of sociology at the State University of New York at Purchase, in Harrison N.Y., and the author of “White Weddings: Romancing Heterosexuality in Popular Culture” (Routledge).

“It’s a signifier that as long as I’m wearing this, I’ll feel good, I’m pretty, loved, and getting attention, and that nothing else makes me feel special,” Dr. Ingraham said. “The dress is an illusion of well-being. It’s not the relationship. If we need the wedding dress to feel good then something is already wrong. We are running the risk of forgetting how important the relationship and the person we are marrying is.”

Read the full article on NYTimes.com here.