Kayla Del Biondo ’15

Sociology major landed a job as a digital services librarian—a career path sparked by her senior project experience.

Kayla Del Biondo ’15 (sociology) traces her interest in libraries to the experience of writing her senior project. The research she conducted for Food Porn: Social Media and the Sexualization of Food planted the seed that would ultimately lead to her new role as digital services librarian at New Canaan Library in Connecticut.

Her senior project research was eventually published in the Routledge Handbook of Food Ethics (2017). She received a co-author credit with Professor Lisa Jean Moore on the included essay, “Interactions Between Self, Embodied Identities, and Food: Considering Race, Class, and Gender.”

After taking a year off following graduation from Purchase to consider her options, Del Biondo realized becoming a librarian would be a good fit for her. She then pursued a master’s degree in library information from Syracuse University and interned at the West Point Military Academy library. She received her degree last spring and began her new role in May 2018.

Read more about Del Biondo on newcanannite.com.