Small Projects, Alterations, and Equipment Installations
An alteration to the existing facilities is defined as any change, rearrangement or addition to a building, other than repairs; any modification in construction or in building equipment and systems. Included are such items as: new door openings; partitions; conversion of a space from one function or activity to another; additions to a building system (additional electric outlets, additional plumbing fixtures, additional lighting, etc.); installation of supplemental air-conditioning; and remodeling.
Any department wishing to purchase any new or replacement machinery or equipment should consult with and receive the approval of Facilities Management prior to the purchase or installation. This review is required to avoid a situation where existing space features will prohibit the installation of that particular item (Eg. excessive floor load, violation of fire code, insufficient electrical power, improper rigging, interruption of services).
Any proposed alteration to the existing campus facilities or equipment installation must be approved by the appropriate Vice President, Dean, Director, or Department Head via our Facilities Project Request Form (PRF) before any plans or specifications for the work are developed. The person requesting the alteration must provide the following information on a project request form to begin the process:
- Justification for the alteration
- Description of the scope of work
- Approval as referenced on the PRF
- Funding source and estimated allowable budget
- Note: this is to create an understanding between area directors and FMG that appropriate funding has been earmarked for a requested renovation, but no expenses will be made without final sign-off by all parties. Allocations in excess of what is required for the project will not be spent (Eg. if $3,000 is set aside for an installation that costs $500, the remaining $2,500 will remain in the requestor’s budget).
The PRF will then need to be E-mailed to for review. If an alteration is approved, the Facilities Management Group will work with the Dean, Director, Department Head or their designee and develop detailed plans, specifications, and bid documents.