Westchester County GIS internship. by Jillian O’Rourke

December 16, 2022

This summer I had the privilege to intern for Westchester County GIS, through the Westchester County Department of Technology.

I created projects on ArcGIS Pro, created web applications on ArcGIS Online, updated feature layer data on both ArcGIS Pro as well as online, and created a StoryMap on ArcGIS Online. Some of these projects required collaborating with different departments such has the planning department on zoning projects & the health department on a cooling tower project.

I enjoyed applying GIS skills I learned from classes I have taken at Purchase while also learning new skilling every day. I found it humbling to learn from others in my department but rewarding to know that I can take things I previously learned and apply them to “real world” projects that Westchester County GIS will be using even after my internship is over. Overall, I am really glad I had this opportunity to work for Westchester County GIS and I cannot wait to see what opportunities this experience affords me in the future.