Student Success


An excellent college fosters an environment of diversity and inclusion.


The demand for both merit and need-based support is far greater than current Purchase College resources can sustain. Many of our students are from underserved minority populations and are the first in their families to pursue an undergraduate degree. Some work multiple jobs each semester to cover expenses. Two out of three depend upon financial assistance to enter and stay in school through graduation.

In addition to federal and state financial assistance, Purchase College awards an average of $2 million in scholar-ships each year. Doubling or tripling that annual budget would enable us to recruit for new classes with a guarantee that the scholarships offered will be available from matriculation through graduation. In a highly competitive market, this will be a key decision point for thousands of future students.

Your support will bolster resources for renewable scholar-ships and assure the distinctive educational experiences of Purchase College are within reach of all qualified students.

We must be prepared to offer support at any time.

Student Success

Student Success means empowering our students with the resources they need to stay in school and earn their degrees.

The Make an Impact Fund provides financial assistance that enables students to continue their studies during a time of difficulty, helping pay for textbooks, commuter fare, or an urgent flight home during a family emergency. Purchase College is at the forefront of institutions with designated funds to support the needs of students in crisis.

Because there are many dimensions to learning, we also build networks that nurture first-generation students and help them learn how to navigate the college experience. Unrestricted gifts to The Purchase Fund support transformational academic and personal counseling programs that are crucial for our undergraduates and help to prepare them for life on campus and beyond.

A global education breaks down borders.

Study Abroad Programs

Study Abroad Programs are character-shaping opportunities for any young person. Those who travel, study, or work in another country are better prepared for life in a world that often transcends national boundaries.

Through an extensive network of State University of New York (SUNY) partner organizations, every year Purchase provides access to more than 160 international study programs across six continents. But participation from our campus is low. Few from our student body have ever traveled outside the US; some have never been outside the state. The lack of sufficient funds for travel and accommodation stands as an insurmountable barrier between them and a real world education.

Your support of the International Study Assistance Fund will open doors for young scholars and assure that the art, culture, and business leaders of tomorrow are culturally aware and globally conscious.

More Information

For more information about a gift to support Purchase College students, please contact Tracy Calvan, Director of Development, via e-mail ( or phone (914.251.6038).