Our Hours Today:

Transmedia Oral History Project

In telling our stories, we try to make sense of our past and our present. Narrating past experiences build our sense of identity, culture, and place. 

The Transmedia Oral History Project is a creative space on campus that seeks to bring together faculty and students to produce oral histories of our campus and the places and communities surrounding Purchase College. By engaging in innovative transmedia storytelling and exhibition in virtual and real spaces, we aim to foster a sense of shared ownership within our communities.

We seek to:

  • Provide students opportunities for experiential learning, community service, and language training as well as new research opportunities for senior projects through Casa Purchase.
  • Develop innovative, cross-disciplinary, transmedia methods of presentation and exhibition of these stories.
  • Engage diverse groups of community residents in the collection, transmission, and exhibition of their own stories.
  • Create external partnerships and foster community participation and shared local identity in the planning and story collection phases and in the ultimate exhibition of local oral histories in ways that creatively engage participants and other community members.

If you are interested in participating in the Transmedia Oral History Project, please contact Professor Benmergui.

Oral History Transmedia Project