Sara Atlassi ’22

Sara Atlassi ’22 double majored in Theatre and Performance and Economics and minored in  Environmental Studies.

Atlassi was the recipient of the 2022 Technos International Prize for Outstanding Academic Performance and Commitment to the Cause of International Understanding.

For Theatre and Performance, Atlassi was part of the Henry IV, Part I cast.

She was also a member of Let’s Make A Theatre Company, an experimental theatre group/collective comprised of Purchase students redefining theatre during the pandemic.

“Our goal is to explore, entertain but also enrich and educate both the artists and the audience in this new era of theatre and arts. We are determined to shine a light on different views of theatre during a global pandemic. We want to create during a time when entertainment has been halted. We are the next generation of theatre makers. We are the new precedent.”

Atlassi was part of the team that wrote and directed an adaptation of The Great Gatsby, which they presented virtually via YouTube in Feb. 2021. 

Atlassi contributed to the Purchase College Journal of Ecology, with the research study, “Invasive Species Possess Potential Benefits Based on Their Fall Phenology.”

Awards / Residencies

PSGA Outstanding Service to the Purchase Community

2022 Technos International Prize for Outstanding Academic Performance and Commitment to the Cause of International Understanding