Campus departments, student groups, and independent organizers considering holding an in-person/face-to-face event or gathering must submit a brief narrative to address the five elements of the event rubric to the In Person Event Committee for clearance 21 business days prior to the event.

This working group will make a final determination on the priority and safety of the event with review from the Dean of Student Affairs. The event sponsor will be notified of the decision at least three business days prior to the event. Please be aware that as circumstances change, previously approved events may be deemed too high risk and will need to be held virtually.

Any low-risk proposed live event or gathering must comply with current public health policy and all Purchase College policies. Per the ordinance of the Purchase College CPS Task Force: Approved in-person events will be allowed for up to 50 people in one setting with proper PPE and may require mask use and other precautions in place in place. Please note that by submitting this request, hosts are acknowledging their adherence to these guidelines and all other campus policies.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

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Date and Time*
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Please list the name of the club, department, office, individual, etc. hosting.
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Hosts must be present for the entirety of the event to enforce social distancing, mask usage, campus policies, and assist with cleaning/disinfecting.
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Please list any health & safety precautions or steps that will be taken.
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If so, please include details regarding what will be served and in what matter.
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