Cal Lane

Cal Lane is an internationally acclaimed sculptor who combines fanciful domestic imagery and industrial objects into extraordinary works of art. For instance, Lane might apply decorative patterns, such as lace, to objects solely designed for function, such as steel I-beams, oil drums, dumpsters, and shovels. Essentially, she is transforming an otherwise cold, hard, utilitarian object into something beautiful. Her pieces are often charged with politically meaning. Lane’s unique background as both a hairdresser and an industrial welder has informed her practice as a contemporary artist.

“The work is about the contrasts between the industrial and the fanciful, the opaque and the transparent, according to an article by Robin Peck in Sculpture magazine. “The dialectic is obvious: industrial versus domestic, strong versus delicate, masculine versus feminine, functional versus decorative.”

Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and raised on Vancouver Island, Vancouver, Canada, Lane earned a BFA from Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, and a Master degree in Fine Arts in sculpture from Purchase. Her work has been exhibited in numerous solo and group exhibitions nationally and internationally including Australia, Belgium, Canada, England, France and the USA.