Continuing Education Course Proposal

Consider becoming an instructor in your area of expertise. Please submit a course proposal below.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

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(If applicable)
required e-mail address field
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(Limit 100 Words). What makes this course unique over other similar courses? What can a student expect to learn?
required checkbox field
Are there other instructors or staff involved in course delivery?*
required checkbox field
Are you offering this course anywhere else?*
required textarea field
What should students be able to do by the end of the class?
required select menu field
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If textbook is required please provide the title, author and ISBN number, plus approximate cost of the book.
required textarea field
If so, what skills?
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Describe the target audience of this course. Youth or Precollege? Adults? Broadview Senior Learning? Professionals?
required checkbox field
What day(s) would you prefer to teach?*
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required checkbox field
Preferred Meeting time*
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For example, 10-11:30 a.m., 2-4 p.m., 6:30-9:30 p.m., etc.
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For example: 2 weekends, 5 days in a row, one day 9 to 5? Describe.
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Continuing Education only pays for classroom time, not for preparation or follow-up.
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For example, computer lab, acting studio, etc.
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Associations, current student list, website(s), etc.
required textarea field
(limit to 100 words) Include relevant experience, teaching experience, academic degrees. This information will be published online. Why would a student want to take your course?
required file attachment field
(50 MB max)
required file attachment field
(50 MB max)
checkbox field
I certify that the information on this and any attached form is true and completed to the best of my knowledge.
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