Glossary of Terms

Prepared by: Policy and Data Standards Committee

Table of Contents

Academic Program

See Program of Study.


  • SIRIS SDS – Primary Academic Program ID (SE035) – The award level of the student’s Primary Academic Program.
  • SIRIS SDS – Secondary Academic Program ID (SE040) – This element is only to be used for students who are enrolled concurrently in a second (different) degree program which will result in the awarding of two degrees.

Active Student

Students who are eligible to register for credit courses in a credit bearing term, subject to any holds restricting registration. Does not include students enrolled exclusively in noncredit courses.

Admission Decision

After review of an application, this code indicates the decision made on the student’s application.

Source/Validation: STVAPDC



AC Admit to LSCE
AD Admit
AF Admit from Deferred
AP Admit with Provision
AR Admit Transfer Student
AS Admit to LAS
AX Admit with Provision (Transfers)
CA Admit: Conditional Admit
DA Deny and Admit LAS
DE Deny
DF Deferred
EN Deposit Paid
EW Deposit Waived


WA Withdrawn after Decision
WB Withdrawn before Decision
WC Withdrawn No Deposit
WD Withdrawn Administrative
WE Withdrawn after Deposit
WF Withdrawn Duplicate App
WL Waitlist
WN Waitlist Response No
WY Waitlist Response Yes

Admission Type

A code representing the conditions under which a student applies to Purchase.

Source/Validation: STVADMT



ST Standard
BB Bridges/Bacc Beyond
CE Continuing Education
EA Early Action
EX Approved Exchange Program
HS High School
OV Purchase Overseas Programs
RE Readmit
SR Senior Citizen Auditors
VS Visiting Student
YO Youth


  • ODS Admissions_Population
  • SIRIS SDS – Admissions Status (SE010) – to indicate an individual’s admission status.

Annual Average Full-Time Equivalent (AAFTE)

A unit of measure applicable to an academic year (fall and spring terms only) and derived from student credit hours. For undergraduate students, one AAFTE is equivalent to 30 student credit hours. For graduate students, one AAFTE is equivalent to 24 student credit hours.


  • When Student Level = ‘UG’, ((total attempted fall credits) + (total attempted spring credits))/30
  • When Student Level = ‘GR’, ((total attempted fall credits) + (total attempted spring credits))/24

Academic Program Enterprise System (APES)

The inventory of all academic programs offered by the State University of New York. This inventory contains the official name of each academic program, its approval status, campus, award level, award, and federal (HEGIS, CIP) taxonomic codes. Where applicable, dates of program deactivation or discontinuance are included. Because the APES inventory contains the University’s official list of approved programs, it provides the system-wide review framework for examining requests for program addition or elimination. It is used to develop annual enrollment and degrees granted statistics for all SUNY institutions by integrating data from SIRIS STUDENT and SIRIS DEGREE. The SUNY Business Intelligence system includes a dashboard on Academic Programs. Login credentials are required.

Application Status

A code indicating the status of a student’s application for admission.

Source/Validation: STVAPST



C Complete ready for review
D Decision Made
I Incomplete items outstanding

Award Level

The level of the award, graduate, undergraduate, or certificate.

Award Type

The outcome towards which a student (matriculated or non-matriculated) is working; or a degree/certificate earned by a student who has completed the requirements.

Source/Validation: STVDEGC



ARTDIP Artist Diploma
BA Bachelor of Arts
BFA Bachelor of Fine Arts
BS Bachelor of Science
CERT Certificate Program
MA Master of Arts
MFA Master of Fine Arts
MM Master of Music
MUSB Bachelor of Music
NODEG No Degree
PERFCT Performer Certificate


  • SIRIS DADS: Award (DD025) – the academic AWARD ID associated with the Academic Program ID (Appendix V).
  • SIRIS SDS: Primary Academic Award Level (SE035) – the award level of the student’s Primary Academic Program.

Bridges to Baccalaureate/Baccalaureate and Beyond Students

A student who is admitted in the summer term as a Visiting Student in this Program which aims to increase the number of underrepresented minorities from Dutchess, Nassau, Orange County, Rockland, Sullivan County, or Westchester Community Colleges who continue to a four-year college to study in the STEM disciplines.


  • Purchase College Bridges/Bacc and Beyond are identified upon entry to the college with an Admission Type of ‘BB’.

Census Date

The census date is set to represent a reasonable point of enrollment stabilization which should be no earlier than the point at which 20% of the class work has been completed. For Fall and Spring terms this date is approximately after completion of the third week of the semester. For Winter and Summer terms, the date is set based on the length of the term.

Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Taxonomy of Discipline Divisions

Taxonomy of academic disciplines which can be used to classify either courses or academic programs and allows for consistent reporting across institutions. The taxonomy is further refined by second and third tiers of subcategories within each major division. Designed by the Federal Department of Education, the Classification of Instructional Programs is meant to expand upon and replace the older HEGIS Taxonomy of Discipline Divisions.


See Student Classification.


A group of students tracked from the point of entry through departure to assess academic outcomes. For example, an entering cohort is typically tracked to establish retention and graduation rates.

Purchase College Cohorts being tracked include:

  • First-Year Students
  • New Transfer students
  • Educational Opportunity Program students (EOP)
  • Merit Access Program students (MAP)
  • PCNY Students
  • Student Success students
  • First Generation students
  • PCNY Scholarship recipients
  • Recruited Athletes

Source/Validation: STVCHRT

Since the validation table includes a value for every term, we are not attaching a copy here. Please go to Banner INB for a copy of the validation table.

Continuing Student

See Student Type.

Continuing Education/Non Credit Student

See Student Type.

Country of Citizenship

The country(s) in which a student hold(s) legal citizenship. For dual (with US citizenship) and US citizens in SPAIDEN, this field should be blank. Also known as Nation of Citizenship in Banner.

See also: International Student.

Source/Validation: STVNATN

Since the validation table includes hundreds of country codes, we are not attaching a copy here. Please go to Banner INB for a copy of the validation table.

Course Level

  • Undergraduate Lower: beginning level credit courses, numbered 1000-2999, with level code of UG
  • Undergraduate Upper: advanced level credit courses, numbered 3000-4999, with level code of UG
  • Graduate: post-baccalaureate level credit courses, numbered 5000-5999, with level code of GR
  • Continuing Education: non-credit continuing education courses live in the noncredit term, with a level code of CE.


  • SIRIS CDS: Course Level (CC030) – Identifies the instructional level of a course based on the level of student at which the course is primarily directed.

Course Reference Number (CRN)

A unique, term-based number assigned to each course section.

Credit Hours

The number of academic units assigned to a specific course’s section.

Credits Attempted

The number of Credit Hours the student would earn upon successful completion of the course.

Credits Earned

The actual number of Credit Hours earned by the student upon successful completion of the course.


See Course Reference Number.

Cross-Registered Students

A student who is participating in a cooperative arrangement between another institution and Purchase College that allows our student to register for a course at the other institution (outbound) or vice versa (inbound). Inbound Cross-Registered Students will count in the official Headcount enrollment at his or her Home Institution only. Outbound Cross-Registered Students will count in the official Headcount enrollment at Purchase College.


  • SIRIS SDS Higher Education History (SE020) = 8 (Cross-Registered): SGBSTDN_LEVL_CODE = ‘UG’ and ((SGBSTDN_STYP_CODE = ‘X’) Or (SGBSTDN_STYP_CODE = ‘N’ and ((COHORT of ‘XRIN’) or (SORPCOL_SBGI_CODE is not null and SORPCOL_HOME_INST = ‘Y’))))

Degree Type

See Award Type.

Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Student

The State University of New York’s Educational Opportunity Program provides access, academic support, and financial aid to students who show promise for succeeding in college but who may not have otherwise been offered admission. Available primarily to full-time, matriculated, undergraduate students, the program supports students throughout their college careers within the University.

Active Student and Student Purchase College EOP students are identified upon entry to the college and are tagged with a Cohort value of “[YYYYTT]EOP” with an anticipated graduation date 8 (fall/spring) semesters after their entry.

See also: Merit Access Program.

Enrolled Student

Student is registered for credit bearing courses in a given term.

Exchange Student

A visiting, international, non-matriculated student for whom Purchase College is not their Home Institution who comes from a school in one of our exchange programs.

Purchase College Exchange Students are identified upon entry to the college with an Admissions Type of ‘EX’ and a Student Type of ‘X’.

F1 Visa Students

Student who hold an F1 student visa. This subgroup of International Students are verified by and whose visa status is maintained by the Office for Global Education at Purchase College.

First Generation Student

A student for whom the highest level of education completed by either parent/guardian is less than college. Family members may have attended or may be concurrently attending a college, but have not yet completed either an associate or bachelor’s degree.

Purchase College First Generation Students are identified based on FAFSA data upon entry to the college and are tagged with a Cohort code of [YYYYTT]FG with an anticipated graduation date 8 (fall/spring) semesters after their entry.


See Student Classification and Student Type and First Time Student.

First Time Student

An incoming undergraduate student (either Matriculated or Non-Degree Seeking) who is registered for at least one credit-bearing course and who has never earned college credit on a college campus. Students who have previously earn college credit through Advanced Placement, College in the High School, International Baccalaureate, CLEP, etc. are still considered First Time Students.

Foreign Student

See International Student.

Full-Time Equivalent (FTE)

An FTE is a unit of measure used to convert the total credit hours attempted/earned by all students in a term into the equivalent number of full-time students.


  • Undergraduate student FTE is the sum of the Credit Hours for the group of students being measured divided by 15.
  • Graduate student FTE is the sum of the Credit Hours for the group of students being measured divided by 12.

Full-Time Status

See Load.

Graduate Student

A Matriculated student enrolled in a graduate level degree/program, or a Non-Degree Seeking Student who is solely registered for graduate level courses.


A unit of measure indicating the number of unique students registered for a term.


A hold may be placed to prevent a student from doing one or more of the following: being admitted or readmitted, enrolling, registering for classes, receiving diplomas or certificates, or receiving transcripts. Among the reasons a hold may be placed are: past due financial obligations to any department, office, or unit of the college, or as a result of judicial actions.

Home Institution

The institution of primary enrollment for a student. In most cases, Purchase College is the home institution for students registered at Purchase College. Purchase College is not the home institution for Cross-Registered Students, Exchange Students, and Visiting Students.

Instruction Method

The primary mode of delivery of the course content. This element was broadened to also appropriately label overseas studies and internships. Instruction Method and Schedule Type together are used to define a course.

Source/Validation: GTVINSM



HYB Hybrid
NT Non-Traditional
O2 2yr SUNY Program
O4 4yr SUNY Program
ON Online
OP Overseas Purchase
OX Purchase Exchange Program
PA Paid Internship
TR Traditional
UP Unpaid Internship


  • SIRIS TSDS: Online Instruction Type (TT080) – Indicates whether at least some portion of the direct instruction occurs online.
  • SIRIS TSDS: Internship Type (TT095) – Describes the specific type of internship.
  • SIRIS TSDS: Location Type (TT160) – A code used to indicate location where the section is taught.

Instruction Type

See Schedule Type.

Internal Transfer

A student who has previously enrolled as a Visiting Student at Purchase College who subsequently applies for
admission as a Transfer Student and enrolls as a Matriculated Student. Note: This is a definition that is unique to Purchase College. It is used to identify the small group of students that SUNY considers “continuing” and Purchase College considers “Transfers”.

International Student

International Student is a student who is not a citizen of the US. Students recognized as Undocumented Aliens are not considered international students. Permanent Residents are considered international students.

See also F1 Visa Students.


  • Nation of Citizenship is not null; a value for country in permanent address; and Visa Code not null (this includes PR).


See Student Classification.

Leave of Absence

An approved leave of absence maintains a student’s active and matriculated status while not taking Purchase College classes from campus. Leaves are generally granted for up to two semesters.


A term-based description of the number of credits for which a student is enrolled. This number of attempted credit hours is defined as full-time or part-time. Full-time is defined as being at least 12 credit hours for undergraduate students or at least 9 credit hours for graduate students. Everything else is defined as part-time.

Source Validation: STVTMST




99 Error Calculating Time Status  
FT Full Time UG >= 12; GR >=9
HT Half Time UG = 6; GR = 5
LH Less Than Half Time UG <6; GR <5
TQ Three Quarters Time UG = 9; GR = 7


See Program of Study.

Matriculated Student

A student who has been accepted into and is enrolled in an Academic Program as a degree seeker.

Merit Access Program (MAP)

Purchase College’s MAP program provides access to quality higher education for a limited number of students who ordinarily would be inadmissible to the college in accordance with traditional admission criteria or the rigorous financial guidelines for household income established by the State of New York for the Educational Opportunity Program.

See also Educational Opportunity Program.

Purchase College MAP students are identified upon entry to the college and are tagged with a Cohort value of [YYYYTT]MAP with an anticipated graduation date 8 (fall/spring) semesters after their entry.

Non-Degree Seeking Student

See Visiting Student.

Non-Home Institution Student

A Visiting Student for whom Purchase College is not the Home Institution. This Non-Degree Seeking Student is a Matriculated Student at another institution.

Operational Data Score (ODS)

The Operational Data Store (ODS) is a snapshot of the transactional data base with some aggregation. It was designed to facilitate operational and institutional reporting.

Part-Time Status

See Load.

Permanent Resident

An International Student who has demonstrated they have obtained permanent residency in the United States.


  • Visa code = PR and Nation of Citizenship is not null

Program of Study

Any combination of courses and/or requirements grouped into majors, minors and/or concentrations leading to a degree or certificate. Example: Visual Arts could be: Visual Arts BS, Visual Arts BFA, Visual Arts minor, Visual Arts MFA.


A student who was previously enrolled as a Matriculated Student, and is returning as a matriculated student to complete a degree after at least one term with an inactive Student Status. Students who are returning on time from a Leave of Absence or who are returning with an inactive Student Status due to graduation to seek an additional degree are considered Continuing Students.

Registered Student

See Enrolled Student.


A status based on a student’s legal or permanent domicile used to determine in- v. out-of-state tuition.

Source/Validation: STVRESD



C CT-Fairfield County: nondegree
00 Undeclared
F Foreign Out of State
O Domestic Out of State
R In State

Schedule Type

Describes the primary method of instruction of a section which is also designated as traditional, non-traditional, and online.

See also Instruction Method.

Source/Validation: STVSCHD



DIS Discussion
IND Independent Study
INT Internship
LEC Lecture
MPJ Master Project
ONL Online - Lecture
OVS Overseas
PRC Practicum
PVT Private Study
SEM Seminar
ST1 Studio
ST2 Studio
ST3 Studio
ST4 Studio
STA Studio Assistant
STU Studio
TEA Teaching Assistant
TUT Tutorial


  • SIRIS TSDS: Instruction Type (TT090) – Codes that describe the primary instruction mode of a section.

Senior Auditor

A senior citizen (60+ years of age) auditing a class on a space available basis. For SIRIS reporting, this student is considered a Special Auditor (SE025).


See Student Classification.


A course offering within a term having a unique instruction type, time, place, and instructor(s). Each section has a unique Course Reference Number (CRN).


See Student Classification.

Student Classification

Identifies cohorts of students based on academic progress, including the total number of completed credit hours, both institutional and transfer.

Source/Validation: STVCLAS



FR Freshman
GR Graduate
JR Junior
SO Sophomore
SR Senior

Student Level

A category that reflects the level of a students’ Academic Program.

Source/Validation: STVLEVL



CU CEU Units
UG Undergraduate
GR Graduate
CE Continuing Education

Student Status

Student status indicates a student’s eligibility to enroll absent any relevant Holds.

Source/Validation: STVSTST



AS Active
IS Inactive
SP Separated
IG Inactive due to graduation
WD Withdrawn
DS Dismissed

Student Type

Identifies the type of student.

Source/Validation: STVSTYP



C Continuing
E Cont Ed/Non Credit
F Freshman
G Graduate
N Non-Degree
R Readmit
S Senior Auditor
T Transfer
X Incoming Exchange


  • ODS Student_Population


Credit and non-credit (continuing education) courses live in different terms as defined below.

Credit Terms

  • 201420 – Summer 2014 201440 – Fall 2014
  • 201455 – Winter Session 2015 201460 – Spring 2015

Non-credit Terms

  • 201427 – Summer 2014 201447 – Fall 2014
  • 201457 – Winter Session 2015 201467 – Spring 2015

Total Credit Hours

The total number of earned Credit Hours that a student has successfully completed prior to the current term. This includes credits earned at Purchase College as well as credits accepted through transfer.


An incoming matriculated student with prior college coursework earned after high school graduation. See Internal Transfer.

Undocumented Aliens

A student with no proof of either US citizenship, permanent residency, or a valid visa status.



Visiting Student

A student who is registered for at least one credit bearing course, but is not seeking a degree at Purchase College and is not enrolled in an Academic Program. This does not include Senior Auditors. Non-Home Institution Students are a subset of this group.