What We Do

The Harbor Center’s goals are health promotion to build resiliency as a community while increasing student well-being. Collaborative, holistic health promotion programming is available by contacting Sara Herskowitz at sara.herskowitz@purchase.edu

Health Promotion Internships for Academic Credit

We recruit and train Health Promotion Interns each year to provide peer educational programs. Health Promotion Internships create opportunities for trained peer educators to engage with the campus community and offer a range of activities to help all students manage stress, increase well-being and enjoy life. 

Where We Are

The Harbor Center is located on the first floor of Fort Awesome (rooms 135, 136, &138). The Harbor Center is a programming hub for Counseling and Behavioral Health Services (CBHS main office is located in the Lower Level of Humanities.)

Why We Do What We Do: UN Sustainability Goal 3 and You!

The Harbor Center endorses the United National’s Global Sustainable Development Goals. Specifically, Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being encourages the creation of sustainable practices for Health and Well-being over the lifespan. We recognize that our climate, cultures, communities and selves are best served through intentional acts to preserve and protect all these resources.