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Oliver Jones

Aligning Interests 

Oliver Jones ’25 transferred to Purchase in 2022 from SUNY Orange County Community College. With a desire to study a subject area related to art and history with a sprinkle of fashion, Oliver decided Purchase was the perfect pick as Art History focuses on all their passions.

Hands-on Exposure

Oliver was involved with the Hard Return: 9 Experiments for this Moment installation at the Neuberger Museum of Art this past spring. The performance art exhibition featured nine artists whose work posed fundamental questions about art and life. Oliver worked with Daniel Bozhkov, the third performer featured.

Oliver’s involvement in sewing segments of Bozhkov’s creation provided unique insight. 

“I became exposed to the different nuances of museum work and the work that goes into exhibition design,” they explained.

It was the highlight of their spring semester to work with curators and get hands-on experience in our amazing on-campus museum.

Senior Project Inspirations

While unsure of a precise topic for his senior project, the experience working on Hard Return has inspired Oliver to explore something related to curating. We look forward to what develops!

Fabulous Faculty

While there are stellar faculty in all programs, Oliver gives a special shout-out to Professor Sarah Warren. They claim,

“All of my professors have been great. I have a special place in my heart for Professor Sarah Warren; her transparency with students made my experience as a student more comfortable and enjoyable.”

Activities On and Off Campus

Oliver has many memories on campus, but a favorite is when his friend dressed up as Po from Teletubbies for a Halloween event and was on the main stage at the Stood (Student Center) during the costume contest. And they almost won!

There are plenty of student activities on campus and lots to see off campus. They highlight the Loop, a great transportation option. One of their favorite spots is Tibbets Park, next to the Westchester Mall, a nearby shopping area students frequent.


*Quotes edited for grammar and clarity.