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Campus Race to Zero Waste

Purchase College is participating in Campus Race to Zero Waste for the 2023 season.

Final results: We placed #7 out of over 100 participating schools in the “Per Capita” recycling category. Thank you to everyone who helped get us there!

Campus Race to Zero Waste is a friendly competition where colleges and universities around the country compete to reduce their waste production over an 8 week period. The competition starts January 29th and ends March 25th. 

Our waste and diversion rates are tracked and recorded each week.

What can be recycled?

Metals: rinsed and dry aluminum cans or jars, bronze, tin, copper, and steel

Mixed paper: any white and mixed office paper including magazines, printer paper, notebook paper, and construction paper

Cardboard: make sure it’s clean and not contaminated with food or grease; break down the cardboard so it’s flat

Plastics: #1-7, ensure the plastics are rinsed and clean before you place them in the bin

Glass: all colored and clear glass, ensure the glass is rinsed and clean before you place them in the bin

Electronics: batteries and other e-waste; these materials can’t go in the usual bins: fill out a work order for e-waste recycling pick up or go to the basement of the library where the e-waste wooden bin is located


Come back to this page at the end of each week to see how we’re doing!


Week Recycling (pounds) Landfill (pounds)
1 13,875 30,115
2 12,432 22,445
3 11,211 28,545
4 13,986 25,395
5 15,431 22,400
6 18,760 29,384
7 12,540 23,150
8 5,883 6,363