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Ndukwe Daniel Agwu ’03

Ndukwe Daniel Agwu ’03 is Chief Legal Officer at Brooklyn Legal Services Corporation A.

Brooklyn A advances social and economic justice and community empowerment through innovative, collaborative, neighborhood-based legal representation and advocacy, as they represent low- and moderate-income individuals and families throughout New York City.

Agwu serves as a Lecturer in Law and Justice Studies and Communications at Purchase.

After Agwu graduated from Touro Law School in 2006, he  worked at DHL as an in-house attorney handling OSHA and workers compensation claims and hearings.

Between 2008–2013 he was a staff attorney at Legal Services of the Hudson Valley handling primarily landlord/tenant, public benefits, unemployment, and social security benefits foreclosure and bankruptcy cases before first joining Brooklyn A in 2013.

In 2018, Agwu moved to Borah, Goldstein, Altschuler, Nahins & Goidel, P.C. handling commercial litigation, license agreements, landlord/ tenant inter alia before returning to Brooklyn A.