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Jamie Jones-McQuagge

Jamie is an actor born and raised in Miami Beach, Florida.

She started pursuing her love for acting at 11 years old, joining a Musical Theatre program where she did musicals and competitions. Her first role was an Oompa Loompa in Willy Wonka Jr, and her first competition singing ‘In My Own Little Corner’ from Cinderella. She went on to attend the New World School of The Arts in the Acting branch, where they credit themselves in teaching high school kids college-level conservatory courses.

She was originally committed to another University for Acting until a personal phone call gave the wonderful news of acceptance into the Conservatory. Jamie credits it all to her grandmother, Eileen Jones, who pushed her to do a walk-in audition for the college in the first place. Jamie would not be here without her or the rest of her family, who always supported her dream. Jamie cannot wait to share her love for the craft to the world and show it is not a dream, it is a reality.