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Politics and Practices of Climate Change in Norway

This summer program will return in 2025.

This 6-week, 6-credit, summer course combines synchronous and asynchronous learning in the US with hands-on experiential learning in Norway, all with a focus on climate change and local environmental politics and practices.

Norway is an ideal location for learning about climate change and sustainability. The country was awarded as the European Green Capital in 2019 by the European Commission and is renowned for its environmental policies, strong focus on renewable-energy production, and comprehensive environmental regulatory system. While in Norway, and in their work prior to departure, students will uncover how to map and interconnect global drivers of climate change to local environmental politics and practices, and to identify linkages across multi-scale levels (local, regional, national, international). Throughout, students will collaborate with peers from the University of Oslo (UiO).

Students will be housed at a youth hostel in Oslo. As part of the overall cultural experience, students and faculty will participate in a weekend cabin hike in the mountains. Students and faculty will also visit local cultural attractions and participate in cultural events in the Oslo region.

Here is some information to help you learn what it is like to live and travel in Norway, given your identity markers.

Click here to learn more and apply.