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Purchase Environmental Studies Department represents at the Northeast Natural History Conference

Students and professors from Purchase College attended the Northeast Natural History Conference in Springfield, Massachusetts on April 12 - 14, 2018. 

It was a full weekend with professors and students each giving talks or posters about their research. Congrats to all who attended and presented their research:

Dr. George Kraemer gave a talk in the Population Ecology session titled “Understanding boom-bust cycles of invaders can require long-term data sets and population structure monitoring.”

Dr. Allyson Jackson and junior Veronica Winter both gave talks in the Human Impacts on Birds session. Veronica’s talk was titled “Mercury contamination in protected areas: comparing riparian songbird concentrations across five US National Parks” and was based on research she did as an independent study. Dr. Jackson presented research titled “Spanning the (ecosystem) gap: aquatic invertebrates subsidize nutrients and mercury to riparian songbirds.”

Four seniors presented their research as posters:

Brian Doherty presented “Quantification of meso- and macro-plastics from beaches of Long Island and Connecticut”

Batya Nightingale presented “NGS reveals trophic transfer of Hg in songbirds in Acadia National Park”

Alex Youre-Moses presented “You are what you eat and where you live: how territory size and diet relate to mercury concentration in riparian songbirds”

Matthew Garafalo presented “Phenological trends of insect diversity and abundance in Acadia National Park: a methods study”