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Return to Campus After Medical Admittance

Any student who has been admitted to a hospital must follow specific procedures to return to campus. The college will determine your appropriateness to return to the academic and/or residential environments, including planning for needed follow-up care, arranging for the completion of missed academic work, and assuring the safety and well-being of the whole campus community.

Before noon of the first business day following your return to campus, you must contact one of the following offices (as directed in your notification letter) to arrange an immediate appointment:

The Counseling Center at (914) 251-6390 for psychological-related admittances OR Health Services at (914) 251-7925 for physical-related admittances OR the Wellness Center at (914) 251-6665 for substance-related admittances (information will also be requested from the attending physician in the emergency room/hospital and campus police and student affairs reports).

Information necessary for re-entry evaluations at the college will include the admitting hospital’s lab work and treatment summary. If no additional lab work is performed at the admitting hospital, the lab work from the emergency department will be requested.  This information should be faxed from the hospital to the Counseling Center at (914) 251-6399 OR Health Services at (914) 251-6388, OR the Wellness Center at (914)251-5963 (as directed in your notification letter).

Additionally, the college reserves the right to require a reentry assessment with the Office of Residential and Student Life. If deemed appropriate, you will be directed to do so in your notification letter, and must contact the Office of Residential and Student Life at (914) 251-6320.

On the basis of the information provided during the above appointments, an administrative determination will be made about your ability to remain in school and in campus housing, and any special conditions on your continued attendance (i.e., part-time study only, residential status).

Following the completion of your reentry assessment, you will be contacted by the Office of Student Affairs via email to inform you of the administrative determination, and the appeal process (if appropriate).

For any questions regarding these procedures, contact the associate dean of student affairs at (914) 251-7988.