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Alcohol or Drug Use/Possession Disclosure Policy

Disclosure of Alcohol or Drug Violations of Student Under 21

Pursuant to the Warner Amendment to the Higher Education Reauthorization Act of 1998 [Section 444 of the General Education Provisions Act (20 U.S.C 1232g)],  institutions of higher education may disclose, “to a parent or legal guardian of a student, information regarding any violation of any Federal, State, or local law, or of any rule or policy of the institution, governing the use of possession of alcohol or a controlled substance, regardless of whether that information is contained in the student’s education records, if (A) the student is under the age of 21; and (B) the institution determines that the student had committed a disciplinary violation with respect to such use or possession.” 

The types of cases in which parents or legal guardians of students who are under the age of 21 may be informed about a drug or alcohol related incident:

  1. Any case where a student is separated from the College for reasons related to alcohol or controlled substance. A separation from the College, for the purposes of this policy, shall include an interim suspension, expulsion, or involuntary medical leave. 
  2. Any case where a student is transported from the College by ambulance for reasons related to alcohol or controlled substances. 
  3. Any case where a student is found responsible for any charge related to alcohol, marijuana, or a controlled substance.

NOTE:  Please see the Purchase College Parental Notification Policy for additional parental notification information.